Ingrowing toenails are painful and can easily become infected. But they are also easily treated. Our podiatrists are experts in reducing pain caused by ingrowing nails, delivering safe and effective treatment that will provide a permanent fix to your discomfort.
Book an appointment online or contact us to find out how we can alleviate your pain.
What is the best way to treat an ingrowing nail?
Where possible, we will provide fast and simple conservative treatment at your first appointment to reduce any pain you are experiencing.
We will then discuss a longer-term treatment plan, taking in all available options including nail surgery.
Nail surgery is a minor procedure, carried out under local anaesthetic in our state-of-the-art clinic in Inverness. Following your surgery, the ingrowing section of nail will be permanently removed, ensuring it causes you no more discomfort in the future.
What happens if an ingrowing toenail goes untreated?
Untreated ingrowing toenails can easily become infected, causing additional pain and discomfort. This can lead to additional problems like ulcers, sores and loss of blood flow.
Seeking professional help to identify and treat the problem quickly and effectively is the best way to avoid any further complications.
What causes ingrowing toenails?
Ingrowing toenails are a common problem and can be caused by a variety of factors, including:
We have a range of solutions to treat your ingrowing toenail, and will discuss these with you at your appointment. We will also share advice on how to avoid ingrowing toenails again in the future.
Book your appointment online today to start on the road to recovery from your ingrowing toenail.
Whether you have a question about our services, need assistance scheduling an appointment, or want to learn more about our clinic, feel free to reach out.